The Plus Size Project with Boohoo MENA
3:43:00 PM
The Middle East Plus Size Fashion Bloggers #DUBAISQUAD
came together on Saturday, January 27th 2018
for a special photoshoot in collaboration with Boohoo MENA
came together on Saturday, January 27th 2018
for a special photoshoot in collaboration with Boohoo MENA

This didn't stop us, and one of the project I am most proud of is this shoot with Boohoo MENA.
Their marketing team was so generous to offer each one of us head to toe outfits to fulfill our looks for the shoot. Their cooperation and patience was a highlight in all our eyes!
It was nice to come together this way. Have you ever seen a group photo promoting a brand in any of the media we devour every day? The answer is no. That's why I was so proud of what we had accomplished that day. Although the heat was excruciating that day, we managed to take some group and individual photos, we laughed, and we had finally met in person for the very first time! This experience will forever be a reminder of the power of togetherness, friendship and empowerment.
We thanked them then, and we thank them now.
Boohoo MENA, we appreciate you giving us a chance at a time where brands are still reluctant to invest in our passion and our strong message of body confidence.
Photo credits / Omar Tartoob
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