Love in the Time of Corona (Part I)
1:23:00 PM![]() |
"All went well, and luckily I have a photographic memory so guiding him through Spinneys was almost like playing a virtual game." |
We have all seen on the news how people were stocking up and buying in bulk, leaving many shelves empty. Also, let's not forget the toilet paper frenzy! So this is what we did. We kept our routine the closest possible to normal, and so was our grocery list. We did double up on a couple of things, but that was it. The government here in UAE assured people that supermarkets have enough stocks and supplies to cater to our needs, so there was no need to panic.
Write down the items you need for a week. Meats, chicken, condiments, canned foods, etc...
Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables (wash, chop up and put in ziplock bags for your daily cooking)
Double up on necessities. Stock up the freezer with things like frozen vegetables, fries/potatoes, and other yummies that you can easily pop in the oven to cook.
I first visualize our trajectory in the supermarket (just as we used to take it as a family), and I write the groceries accordingly. You might think that this is weird, but as an autism family we follow a lot of patterns. Similar repetitive routines with mild changes every now and then keep our son in a flexible comfort zone. Writing the list per aisle makes things so much easier, and you make sure he covers everything. Not only do I provide him with pictures of products (yes, I am such a good wife lol) sent to his Whatsapp, but we have also decided that he wouldn't touch or carry his phone while shopping. How? Simple. Airpods! A few days ago, I stayed on the line with him, as he undertook mission impossible. All went well, and luckily I have a photographic memory so guiding him through Spinneys was almost like playing a virtual game. I was also the voice in his head lol
"This is your conscious speaking! Don't touch your face!"
Apparently, I was shouting, which is not of my character. I think sometimes my anxiety can morph into anger, anticipation and urgency. I just want everything picked up and him out of there as soon as possible, so I might have sounded a little bossy (and annoying) a few times. Sorry Habibi...
Be mindful. Yes, that simple! This is not an extensive list of what to pack in a backpack in case your face a zombie apocalypse. Just be mindful. By being so, you will find yourself well equipped for any task at hand, especially in these challenging times. Mindfulness translate into our actions and it will automatically reflect self-respect and respect for others. You see clearer and make wiser choices, while taking into consideration your well-being and others as well. These are testing times and our ability to cross out selfishness will make us prevail.
Of course, there are a few things to keep in mind for a smooth grocery shop.
Wear comfortable clothes. Wear a mask if necessary, especially if you have allergies or have a mild cold or cough. Doctors have been advising that only individuals showing any symptoms should imperatively wear masks in public. As for everyone else, it is optional. Masks seems to be out of stock so as soon as we find some, we too will be keeping a box just for emergency. I have asked my husband to wear one when he goes out, since he is the only one stepping out to fetch what we need.
Keep a hand sanitizer 70% alcohol (spray, gel or even wipes) in your pocket.
Wear disposable gloves, if that makes you more comfortable.
Corona or no corona, I have always been guilty of wiping the shopping cart handle (OCD Mom!) and I have always felt like the weird one. Now every little thing I used to be strong minded about has become normal. My anxiety has finally found some peace.
If you don't want to use your phone, use your airpods or invest in good earbuds. In case the hubby needs to ask you something, he can call you without holding the phone. Too many extra germs that we don't need.
Do not eat while shopping! Opening a bag of chips or a chocolate bar is a big no-no. No matter how careful you are, you are bringing everything you have touched to your face and mouth.
Once you get to your car, remove mask, gloves and wash your hands with hand sanitizer before doing anything else. And as soon as you get home, wash hands thoroughly.
The government in the UAE has recently instated a curfew as they are carrying out a massive country-wide disinfection campaign in all public places, in order to flatten the curb and combat the spread of the corona virus. We applaud these extensive measures. You are home safe, so please don't complain. Some people don't even have a roof over their heads. We are so privileged, especially living in a country like the UAE, where security is something the government takes very seriously. Their pro-activity shows their mindfulness, their attention, their care towards us. Dubai's population is composed of 85% foreigners, catalysts of this city's growth. It is important to keep fear away from this safe ecosystem. That being said, so what time can you go shopping?
You are free to go all day, until 8 PM. Public transportation will also be open during non-curfew hours. The nightly curfew starts from 8 PM to 6 AM.
But, in case you forgot something or need to urgently get groceries or even need to go pick up something from the pharmacy during curfew hours, you have to request permission to leave home.
This permit is for essential purposes only. We have already tried it and it is perfectly thought-through and easy to do. Just follow the steps >>>
Please plan well and don't forget to apply for permission when needed.
In case of refusal to follow the directives of the government or violation of the #stayhome quarantine instructions, there will be fines.
Group gathering at houses are also frowned upon. Stay home with your own family, as your house is your safe space. The lockdown is not a punishment but a cautionary preventative solution .Your social life is on hold and that's ok. Try to look at it from a different perspective and you will see that there is a silver lining to this dark cloud. Just imagine the force and enlightenment we will all come out with, after all is over.
It is all about love. As parents, we want and have a strong need to protect our children. All the scheming, the planning, the precautions, the guidelines, they are all in the aim to build a boundless bubble with an atmosphere of safety, a sense of security, of fulfillment and to be able to shield them from fear as much as we can.
When we choose to stay away from our older relatives, it is all love.
When we choose to be mindful, aware, responsible by following the precautionary guidelines, it is all love for the other. The lockdown, the curfew, the #stayhome campaign, the disinfection of public spaces and transportation, it is all love. Love with a big L.
When we see strangers coming up with ways to support and help the needy, that's love.
A lot of things can calm us. For some, it is music, yoga or reading. Exercise and laughing release endorphins and some foods can give us momentary pleasure. But what do we do when we need inner peace? Everyone has their own way of finding inner peace but for myself and a lot of other Muslims, we find it through Allah (s.w.t) and Islam. I find peace in the verse below, “Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope,” meaning He does not ask a soul what is beyond its ability. This only demonstrates Allah’s kindness, compassion and generosity towards His creation.
See? Love.
I know we are all feeling a bit lousy about so many banal things but make an effort every single day to express gratitude and to include something that generates calmness and happiness into your day. Let's keep spreading love towards ourselves, towards others and towards the world. Even nature is grateful that we are finally paying attention. How ironic is it that the confinement has revived it?
This grand love for humanity, make it flourish. May that seed for life and happiness always drive us and unite us, even in the most challenging times.