
Miss Representation (The Plus Size Edit) #whataboutus

3:43:00 PM

This recurring frustration comes from years and years of deception and misrepresentation of plus size girls and women in the media and within society. So yes, what about us?
Where do we fit in the equation of social acceptance? Why does the word "fat" have such a pejorative backdrop? And why the constant obsession with the wrong kind of perfection? No matter what size we are, we all have flaws. Perfect imperfections that sculpt our bodies. And in this, I see beauty, I see diversity and I see essence.

What are we telling the next generation of young women? That there are standards and if they did not live up to them, they should feel shameful, rejected and alienated. Or make them drown in confusion and low self-esteem. I am not sure anymore. I am just honestly sick of it. Sick of staring at the same cover girls, the same copy/paste headlines, the same celebrity frenzy and the same unapologetic pursuit for an illusion called perfection. I am constantly subjected to the printed media and I don't see myself. I don't recall seeing any photo or reading any feature that could for the tiniest moment, portray plus size women. Trust me, we are not the nemesis of beauty. On the contrary, we are a forgotten demographic. So, to reinforce my point, well I placed some of my pictures on the cover of a magazine and I say WHY NOT?

Why can't we have less photoshop and more realness, less celebrity and more real women, women from the community. Women of all sizes! I call for inclusivity. Many will tell me "Dream on, girl!" just because the root of the problem is much deeper than about being represented in the media. It is a social issue. Society - especially in the Middle East and Arab region - holds on to taboos when it is convenient and it breaks them when it is profitable. But I guess being a plus size woman has not yet reached its full blossom within society. Bigger women are still not fueled by the confidence they should have, just for the sole reason of being a WOMAN. I don't understand why size matters, why the number on my jeans tag matters, why the curves or love handles are an abomination, why when summer approaches, we are the first ones to be "inspected" and advised to loose weight because - heaven forbid - we come close to a beach wearing a swimsuit, carrying those curves, fat and rolls.

I don't understand why the second we cross the limit of standard sizes, it is panic mode!

The media is not the only party to blame. I blame the readers, the women, the people.
Change happens only when you ask for it. No. When you demand it!

I would like to see more representation of bigger women, plus size women, curvier women.
And please, she doesn't need to be a famous model or celebrity to be on a cover.
Plus size bloggers like me are the new voices for plus size women. We are the models, the journalists, the stylists, the source of inspiration and the voice of reason! I think acceptance and tolerance is due to everyone, no matter what their background is, religion, culture, color, shape or size.

This is to a new era for cover girls and to more representation for plus size women.
Why not? #whataboutus

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