
Q&A Jonquel Art | Body Positive Art and Plus Size Fashion Illustration

2:08:00 PM

Pokémon Fashionistas by JonquelArt

Hello my lovelies!

Body Positive Art and Plus Size Fashion Illustration.
How often do you come across sketches and illustrations that reflect your image as a plus size, big and/or curvy woman? Luckily, since the plus size fashion movement has been on the rise, more and more artists and illustrators are emerging. It is important to have a community of designers, artists and illustrators The creativity of these talented individuals will nourish and add value to this rising fashion movement. When I am looking for plus size and body positive art and illustrations, it feels like I am on a treasure hunt. And when I finally do come across someone who is beyond talented, it is as if I have fallen into a pot of gold! It is a gratifying feeling to find illustrators who are able to portray plus size women with such wit, style, diverse body shapes, beautiful details and above all they convey body positivity, femininity and beauty!

I am so fortunate to have been able to interview New York based, fashion designer and illustrator the lovely Jonquel Norwood! Her 100% body confidence, cartoon-style, girl-power, plus size art will leave you in absolute awe...

1. Who is Jonquel Norwood?
Jonquel Norwood is a small town girl living in a big city. She’s a lover of anime, comics, cats and cheesecake. She is also an artist, an artist who has dedicated her work to challenging the world’s idea of beauty.

2. How did you become an illustrator? Was it a life-long fascination - a clear as daylight goal - or did you have to go through crossroads until you found your calling?
I became an illustrator simply be calling myself one. Illustrator is just means that my art tells a story and that it is for profit. I’ve been drawing since I was 15, it was just a calling. Once I started no matter how hard I tried (and I did try) I couldn’t shake the dream of wanting to be an artist. This is not for the weak at heart, being an artist is a hard road as there is no set plan.

Shopping day by JonquelArt

3. What was the first artwork you saw that caught your attention and till now is marked in your mind as a source of inspiration?
The work of Walt Disney. The Disney princesses will forever be my first source of inspiration.

4. How would you describe your talent, illustration style and passion-filled bubble of art?
I create sassy, stylish, confident women, who just happen to be curvy. My style is very cartoon like because as I mention before my main influence is Disney and anime with a Sex in the City twist. 

5. What is your favorite medium and why? (Paint, pens and crayons vs Digital)
Favorite medium will always be acrylic paint, work on canvas is always more powerful to me. However my illustrations are a mix of hand drawn ink drawings and digital coloring. This allows me to have speed, easy editing, storage space and quick delivery to clients.

6. What was the most fun and favorite character you ever worked on?

The characters from my Rihanna inspired Work piece. I had to watch a bunch of twerking videos to create them.

Work by JonquelArt

7. With technology omnipresent in our daily lives and tasks, many contemporary artists are arising and they are finding it easier than older times to promote their work.
A world filled with competition. What makes your artwork stand out and what are some of your ultimate ambitions?

To be honest I’m not sure what makes my work stand out. I’m just putting myself out there and giving it to the world, it’s a very scary thing. I would like to be an internally known artist, who travels around the doing my part to bring body positivity to the fore front. I want to be a major part of the movement and inspire little girls/boys who don’t always believe in themselves.

8. With the plus size movement on the rise, it is refreshing to come across talented illustrators like yourself, who depict curvy women and plus size fashion in their artwork.
Recently, Supermodel Emme helped Syracuse University, New York launch the first-ever fashion design program to include lessons in designing clothing for curvy women. Ground-breaking! Would you ever consider contributing to fashion design schools whether in publishing a book on how to design/sketch/illustrate or even give classes?

Absolutely, it’s one of my biggest dreams in fact. In fact I hope to start my own YouTube classes soon.

This Body by JonquelArt

9. JUST FOR FUN - Our childhood is where pure creativity and imagination reside.
If you had to choose two trinkets, accessories, objects or whatever it is, from your childhood, what would they be and why?

My childhood sketchbooks, according to my mom I would fill up sketchbook after sketch with what I called “my fashion girls” apparently I never drew stick figures but girls in elaborate outfits.
I remember none of this. Also just for fun my Polly Pocket collection.

10. You create elegant, feminine and confident curvy figures.
What are the top 5 items in your wardrobe that empower you?

1. A really good purse, capable of carrying every item I could possibly think of.
2. A flirty high low dress.
3. A pair of high heels
4. Great pair of denim jeans
5. Fabulous earrings.

11. Tell us something not everyone knows about you?
I was once a bellydancer, costume and all.

There you go lovelies! A quick Q&A that will only give you a glimpse into Jonquel Norwood's fascinating art bubble, so don't be shy and follow her!
Her work is WOW-amazing!


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  1. I love her work, I now know a bit more about her :) Thank you for this !

    1. You are so lucky to have met her! So true, her work is WOW! <3
