
Unboxing my March Glambox!

8:52:00 PM

Hello glamistas!

I was so excited to receive my Glambox this month. I am happy that I am able to have it delivered to me, even though I am in Jeddah! *yey*

So my first thought was to make a short video. I even posted a teaser on my FB page.
I didn't have time to do so I just decided to stick to a couple of cute pictures to show what I got this month.
Video needs more time, patience, editing, etc... Maybe next time :) So here goes...

My two favorite items in this month's Glambox are Dove Beauty Moisturizer and Enchanteur Moisturizing Cream (love the smell!)
I'll definitely give more attention to the rest but for daily use, these two are super ♡

Please share your thoughts.

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Have a fabulous day lovelies Xx

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