
(Luxury) Fashion Bloggers in the Middle East

11:12:00 AM

Ok, so I am not one to complain much but why are most of the Arab fashionistas and bloggers only interested and focus on luxury/high-end fashion? I mean not everyone can afford all the stuff you buy, show off and maybe only wear once. When you google "Top Fashionistas/Bloggers in the MiddeEast/Arab World" you get the same faces, the ones with the crazy number of followers (some fake!) and the lalaland barbies who are more "Oh look what I bought!" than "Inspirational women".
Women - and more importantly younger women - need guidance. Let's not go all gaga over things that are unreachable. Can we be more modest and humble in our choices and have some balance?
The world is so tiring...
I didn't even address half of the problem yet. So many parties are to blame in pushing those kind of women. From the brands, media to the actual followers! Don't get me wrong, everyone loves one or two (maybe more) luxury items in their wardrobe. It is the excessive force-feeding of a utopia lifestyle and the lack of balance that frustrate me. I won't exclude beauty bloggers, because they also go hand in hand with this issue. Their attitude drains me out.

Another very common phenomena in the region is the creation of circles: they only support their own; God forbid an outsider decided to join. They support each other - and as if they needed the push. They already have the financial support, and easily come along the social and "intellectual" support.

They are spoiled brats who are inspiring more spoiled brats to be. What do you expect their followers to sound like, think like or become on the long run? Either spoiled or completely lost and confused. Why? Because not everyone can afford this lifestyle. Some will tell me that they use their means to give a glimpse of glam to the average society. This is like showing a water ad to a person who is completely parched and doesn't have the means to buy a bottle! Where is the good in that?
"So don't follow me..." they might say

Balance! Have a mission, a message to these women. These influencers don't realize how much they affect their women followers. Don't just do it for the fame. And it's not about free giveaways. That will only leave the crowd wanting more. And that's what they are looking for? isn't it...

(to be continued)

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